Feeding the Pride
Pantry Access and Operations
To request food and/or basic needs items from The Pantry, please complete the following intake to request your items.
Please click here to access the PantrySOFT for online requests.
If you are in need of items that we do not currently have available in The Pantry (ex: perishable items), we will do our best to pick them up during our weekly grocery runs. Please email pantry@jayconscious.com with any special requests.
To find updated openings and hours of operation for on-campus dining, visit the UNA Campus Dining website.
UNA has allocated meal swipes for students that need additional campus dining resources. Any currently enrolled student may request meal swipes at their own convenience. In order to submit a request, please fill out the online form found here.
Once the form has been submitted, the University Case Manager will reach out to obtain additional information and to verify the status of your application.
The Caring for the Pride Fund was established for students, faculty, and staff who have been adversely affected by a short-term, unexpected life event. This may include assistance with rent, utilities, medical, and moving expenses.
If you find yourself in need of assistance, please contact University Case Manager, Holly Edens. hunderwood1@jayconscious.com
Donate to The Pantry
Our pantry is supported through the kindness of community and campus donations. To provide support for the Pantry, please see the options to donate here. If you have questions, please contact the campus pantry at pantry@jayconscious.com.
The mission of The Pantry is to support the basic needs of the UNA community and raise awareness about the growing issue of food insecurity across campus.
Pantry Primary Contact: pantry@jayconscious.com
The Pantry is a member of the Alabama Campus Coalition for Basic Needs and the College and University Food Bank Alliance: www.cufba.org.